Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some Examples Of Student AP Work

Here is a link to some samples of AP 2- D work and also some of their WRITING explaining their concentrations....

The work is here @

Look for their "explanations" posted with the sample art work..... scroll down to see it.

Set Up Your Digital Portfolio!

The AP requires you to set up an online portfolio of your work.... you can upload images of your work as you make them, then submit the portfolio to ME for "approval" , then I will send them on to the AP site by May 5th.

The digital portfolio gives you the flexibility to see what you have completed, and how your work looks together BEFORE you submit the work.

You also will have to submit a written explanation of your concentration with the portfolio. Notice that the 5 pieces of art for "Quality" are not submitted digitally. The actual artwork is sent in to the AP.

Here is a link to the sign up site @

Here is a link to the demo and directions @

Here is my Teacher Key and the school code to use in setting up your account

Set up your portfolio, and add an image to "test out" what it looks like to upload images of your work... You can use this image if you like.